Fishburn Primary School

Fishburn Primary School
Small But Mighty!

Remote Learning

Please find below our remote learning offer for all children in school.

Fishburn Remote Learning Offer Jan 2021

  • Our main online platform is Microsoft Teams, however, we recognise that some families may not be able to access Teams and so we have continued to update our google drive account (online sharing platform) with hard copies of work the children can access. The link for this can be found on our homepage and also at the top of our Facebook page.
  • We also offer home learning packs to all families who may want to collect them from school. You are welcome to do this when needed and stationary / books / reading books can be made available for you to collect as needed.

A daily timetable of remote provision is below for reference:

  EYFS KS1 KS2 Additional Info
9 – 9:30 Online meeting


Welcome and discussion of tasks for the day. Phonics input as required.


Online meeting


Welcome and discussion of tasks for the day. Phonics input as required.


Online meeting


Welcome and discussion of tasks for the day Maths / English / reading input as required.


Teachers will be fully contactable during the usual school day via the messaging system on Microsoft Teams as well as Class Dojo should parents or children at home require additional support. The school office is also contactable should the need arise.


Learning packs are printed each day for families to collect should they wish to.

Teaching activities will be a mixture of high-quality videos from The Oak Academy / White Rose Hub / Literacy Shed / Letters and Sounds which can be accessed as and when families are able to, thus allowing flexibility with each individual family. This also means that no child misses out on a live teaching session and so is not disadvantaged in anyway.



9:30 – 1 Time to complete tasks set with communication from school available if required. This allows families to work around their own schedules to complete any learning.


Daily AM tasks set:

Phonics / reading




Time to complete tasks set with communication from school available if required. This allows families to work around their own schedules to complete any learning.



Daily AM tasks set:

Phonics / reading



Time to complete tasks set with communication from school available if required. This allows families to work around their own schedules to complete any learning.


Daily AM tasks set:

Reading / VIPERS



1:15 – 1:30 Online meeting


Welcome to the afternoon session. Discussion about any issues from the morning tasks set. Afternoon tasks set with instructions given these will be part of the planned as part of curriculum offer and will be based predominantly based around foundation subjects linked to the childrens in school topics including PSHE.


Online meeting


Welcome to the afternoon session. Discussion about any issues from the morning tasks set. Afternoon tasks set with instructions given these will be part of the planned as part of curriculum offer and will be based predominantly based around foundation subjects linked to the children in school topics including PSHE.


Online meeting


Welcome to the afternoon session. Discussion about any issues from the morning tasks set. Afternoon tasks set with instructions given these will be part of the planned as part of curriculum offer and will be based predominantly based around foundation subjects linked to the children in school topics including PSHE.

1:30 – 2:45 Time given to complete the afternoon tasks set with communication with school available in the afternoons as it is in the mornings.


Daily PM tasks set:

Linked closely to curriculum and foundation subjects.

Music / PSHE / History / Geography / RE / PSHE / PE tasks set weekly.

Time to complete tasks set with communication with school available.


Daily PM tasks set:

Linked closely to curriculum and foundation subjects.

Music / PSHE / History / Geography / RE / PSHE / PE tasks set weekly.


Time to complete tasks set with communication with school available.


Daily PM tasks set:

Linked closely to curriculum and foundation subjects.

Music / PSHE / History / Geography / RE / PSHE / PE tasks set weekly.

2:45 – 3:10 Online meeting


End of the day catch up. Summary of learning from the afternoon / day. Preparation for tomorrows learning.

Ending the day with class story time.


Online meeting


End of the day catch up. Summary of learning from the afternoon / day. Preparation for tomorrows learning.

Ending the day with class story time.


Online meeting


End of the day catch up. Summary of learning from the afternoon / day. Preparation for tomorrows learning.

Ending the day with class story time.

  • In school, we have moved to using several online based resources such as the The Oak Academy lessons, BBC Bitesize, Literacy Shed for English and White Rose for Maths. This has allowed immediate access to the content the teachers would have been delivering in class for all of the children to access. Children also have individual log ins for Times Table Rockstar’s etc. and so tasks can be set via those platforms for the children to access too. The expectation is for work to be uploaded daily.
  • E-safety lessons continue to take a high priority so that children are very aware of how to keep themselves safe while working remotely. Class Teachers always outline high expectations for behavior while using Microsoft Teams.