Fishburn Primary School

Fishburn Primary School
Small But Mighty!

Fishburn's one chance curriculum

Our curriculum offer at Fishburn Primary is built around the premise that our children only ever get one chance at a primary school education. Therefore, we strive to make it the best experience possible. Your child’s primary experience with us should be one that is happy and investigative, filled with curiosity and enquiry.  Children should have the opportunity to use their knowledge and skills in a wide range of experiences, thus reaching their full potential and becoming well rounded citizens ready for life out side of primary education.

We aim to provide a curriculum which fosters a love of learning and encourages children to take part in experiences which they wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to do. Every subject in our school is carefully planned so that all opportunities for learning are maximised. Reading is an integral part of our curriculum design where children have the chance to apply the skills they learn in reading to every part of the wider curriculum.

Our aim is to provide a curriculum which gives our children the chance to ‘know more and remember more’. We have thought carefully about this and questioned ‘why this? why now?’ whenever we have made decisions about our curriculum.

A copy of our ‘one chance’ curriculum offer can be found below, this is what we hope to achieve for every child in our school.

Fishburn_One Chance Curriculum 2022_2023_

At Fishburn Primary School, we celebrate achievements with the children in a weekly celebration assembly. At the end of each term we also hold our ‘Secret Star’ award assemblies, where parents are secretly invited in to our school to celebrate as a surprise for the children. We hold attendance high on our list of priorities and attendance is celebrated throughout the school year too. Children across school have the opportunity to take on roles of responsibility within their class and beyond to build confidence, foster community spirit and the feeling of being part of the team. Themed weeks around being active, antibullying and diversity give children opportunities to work with children of all ages. Stay and play visits, class assemblies and family events give children the chance to celebrate their achievement and effort at school with those at home, too.

We have a new, on site Pre-school which means that we are able to welcome the youngest children in to our school to give them the best start in life and the best start to their primary education. We hold high our partnerships with other local primary schools and secondary schools ensuring that key transition points are managed effectively and smoothly.

At Fishburn Primary School, our children have many opportunities to be creative. Access to our on-site Forest School, Outdoor Classroom, Fire Circle and allotment space, means that our children have regular access to outdoor learning in a number of different ways and special days and weekly lessons are all built into our school timetable to accommodate as much time outside as possible. Regular PE festivals and league fixtures across a wide range of sports across the whole primary age range enable children who excel and those less confident get to experience competition. Children have access to after school clubs in a wide range of areas as well as lunchtime Music clubs such as choir and brass band. Music links in the community enable children to sing, play and perform at different points in the school year, too.  All planned projects in our curriculum offer have built in opportunities for speaking and listening, trips or visitors and outdoor learning.

At Fishburn Primary School we promote positive attitudes to learning which reflect the values and skills needed for learning and future success – readiness for the next stage of their learning.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Fishburn Primary School, we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with appropriate education and support alongside their peers. The Curriculum is all the planned activities that the school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. Further information can be found in the SEN information report on our website.

If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail, please contact the school directly to arrange an appointment.