Fishburn Primary School

Fishburn Primary School
Small But Mighty!

School Office

Our School Office Staff are here to help you, however here are a few items that may be useful to parents and carers which you can view or download from our website.

Our School Day

Our school day is broken in to two sessions, morning and afternoon. Times for Reception, Infants and Juniors are staggered so as to allow parents the time to travel around the exterior of the building to pick up siblings/relatives.


School Meals

School meals currently cost £11.25 per week, payment should be made via ParentPay.

Packed Lunches

Children may also bring packed lunches, though for administrative reasons, we ask parents to opt for one or the other on a termly basis. Sweets, fizzy drinks and glass containers are not permitted.

Free Meals

Children of parents who receive Income Support or Income based Job Seeker’s Allowance are entitled to free school meals. We strongly advise parents to register even if their children do not choose to take school meals as this affects how school is funded.

Playtime Snacks

Children are allowed to bring fruit to eat at playtime. Sweets, (including throat sweets) pop and crisps are not permitted.

Parents with Cars

Parents are strongly requested not to drive cars down East View or use any part of the school grounds as a turning point, the road is very narrow and we simply do not have the space. With the number of very young pupils arriving and leaving the school, this practice constitutes a very real danger as well as an inconvenience to local residents.

Notification of Absence

A short note giving the reason for each absence is required for our records.  We hope that parents will do their utmost to avoid undue absences as this can seriously affect educational progression. This is particularly important when your child enters Years 2 And 6 when they will undergo Statutory Assessment Tests. Any request for absence during term time must be in writing to the Headteacher.

School regularly reviews attendance and looks at ways of helping families to improve attendance, appointments are made for parents to discuss non attendance.


 Downloadable Online Forms

Fishburn Primary School – Leave of Absence during School Term

Fishburn Primary School – Photo Consent

Fishburn Primary School – Mobile Phone Consent