Fishburn Primary School

Fishburn Primary School
Small But Mighty!


At Fishburn, we believe that the partnership between home and school is of the greatest importance. We rely on parents and carers to support our work in school and your children’s learning at home. To help with this partnership we ask that parents and carers complete the following with their children at home:

  • Please read with your child as much as you can at home. We would expect as a minimum that this takes place at least 3 times per week but the more the better! Please encourage your child to read their home school book with you and also share stories with your child. When you are out and about point out signs and familiar words to them so that this builds up their bank of vocabulary. We will send home reading books from an early age which are appropriate to the phonics stage your child is working at. We also encourage a love of reading and so your child may bring home a library book which they have chosen to share, simply for pleasure. All reading is encouraged!
  • Homework grids will be sent out each half term with activities to be completed on them. The activities will be linked to your child’s topic and are designed to enhance the learning they have been doing in class. Please see your child’s teacher if you are unsure about this.
  • CGP workbooks will be sent out once your child reaches KS2. These are again to compliment the work your child is doing in school. Please speak to your child’s teacher if you need any further help with this.
  • In addition, there may be an occasion when some extra home learning is required, such as for a special occasion. Please support your child as much as possible and let school know if there are any issues.

Importantly, homework is not set to be a battle between children and their parents. We are here to support you so please get in touch if needed.